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Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services - Rental Housing Program
- Provides rent geared-to-income housing to Indigenous and non-Indigenous people considered to be in CORE housing need in areas in Ontario
- Rural homes are in locations outside of the city limits and usually consist of a one to three-bedroom bungalow with a fridge and stove
- Urban units consist of homes and apartments of various sizes located within specific towns and cities
Application package form available on website
Central Applicant Registry can be accessed by:
Central Applicant Registry can be accessed by:
- Filling out an application online at www.ontarioaboriginalhousing.ca
- Calling toll-free at 1-866-391-1061 Ext 308 to register the application over the phone
- Faxing the application to 1-705-256-1664 Attn: Central Registry
- Mailing it to office Attn: Central Applicant Registry
- Priority given to Indigenous people who self-identify as urban or rural First Nation (status or non-status), Inuit or Métis individuals but will consider non-Indigenous people considered to be in CORE housing need in areas in Ontario with a population of 2,500 or less
- Clients pay a proportion of income for their shelter
Physical Access
Fully Accessible
This record is © 211 Ontario North.

This information comes from 211Ontario.ca, a project of Findhelp Information Services. They are always updating their information, which comes from community databases across Ontario. Please use this form if you don’t see your agency listed or you have general feedback about this tool.